Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture can:
Improve muscle tone to lift sagging skin
Increase collagen production to tighten pores, reduce wrinkles and fine lines
Boost circulation and moisture for better skin tone and texture.
Also help to resolve issues such as dark eye bags, acne, dull skin and puffiness
The theory behind facial acupuncture is that when hair thin needles are inserted along wrinkles and frown lines, the body reacts by sending red blood cells and critical nutrients to the area, essentially stimulating a local immune response. Once the needle is removed, the body quickly realizes that it’s not actually under attack and calls off the immune response. In the meantime, those areas on the face where needles were placed have been flooded with a new supply of blood and nutrients. This stimulates the production of collagen, the protein responsible for tightness and vibrancy in the skin. Moreover, when acupuncture is used to create overall balance within the body, the physical, mental and emotional patterns that contribute to aging are addressed, helping you look and feel younger.
This is a great natural alternative to Botox and is a very effective anti-aging treatment. Some people are concerned that facial acupuncture is painful and worry if they will be able to resume normal activities after the session. But the procedure is simple and relatively painless.
What happens during this treatment
Needles are inserted shallowly into skin. (1-2mm). This releases electric impulses and stimulates immune cells that enhance healing.
The needle piercing stimulates collagen production to reduce wrinkles, ‘fill up’ enlarged pores and uneven surfaces for smoother surface.
Skin surface cells (epidermal cells) are renewed; younger cells retain moisture and nutrients better and which result in elastic and glowing skin.
TCM Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture has the deeper benefit of creating balance internally to bring out better complexion from within. This treatment aims to achieve good skin by improving the body’s constitution and adjusting the internal environment of the body while also treating your complexion externally.
According to TCM theory, the facial acupoints are part of your meridians, which link the surface of the body to the internal organs and other body parts. In TCM, the body is system is viewed as a whole and skin problems reflect disharmony within the body. Thus, skin conditions are treated by addressing not only the visible symptoms, but also the root cause of the problems.
Call us at 6737 8488 or Whatsapp 9357 8183
Elements TCM Clinic (located within Elements Wellness)
#02-28 The Centrepoint Singapore 238843